Combat Midwife Box Blog

Dietrich Easter

Birth happens.

In the many years of teaching US. Army combat medics, EMS personal and delivering babies there are a few questions that I get asked often. One of them being “What is the bare minimum equipment needed to deliver a baby?”

After many handwritten post-it notes, emails and Instagram messages, it hit me! We need and OB Kit that anyone, no matter their medical expectance, can use in absolutely any environment. It was in that moment the Combat Midwife OB Kit was born. Austere environments, SHTF moments, and “Oh, man we’re having a baby” moments, this kit will get you through the most magical day of your life or career.

Yes, There other OB kits out there. Why this one? Spend any length of time with me and you will quickly gleam from me that birth is a normal physiological process in a womans’ life. Can some issues arise during birth? Yes, but rarely. This kit will get you through almost any birth scenario no matter your location. I took into consideration cleanliness, blood loss, warmth of the baby, recording the event and so much more.

Pop on over to my YouTube channel I have an unboxing video and a video for each item and proper usage.


Buy Combat Midwife OB Kit

Happy Birthing!!!

XO ~Combat Midwife